Conservatism: The Basics, Under Contract, Routledge.
Why It’s OK to Mind Your Own Business (with Justin Tosi), 2023, Routledge.
Forgiveness and Its Moral Dimensions (co-edited with Dana Kay Nelkin and Michael McKenna), 2021, Oxford University Press.
Grandstanding: The Use and Abuse of Moral Talk (with Justin Tosi), 2020, Oxford University Press.
Translations: Portuguese, Arabic, Korean, Chinese (forthcoming)
Popular Writing
"Moral Grandstanding: there's a lot of it about, all of it bad" (with Justin Tosi), Aeon.
Spanish translation for Chilean magazine Santiago: “Grandilocuencia moral: estar del lado de los ángeles”
"Why there are costs to moral outrage" (with Justin Tosi), The Conversation (republished by Newsweek, Salon, HuffPo, Live Science).
“Oscar acceptance speeches: when moral outrage verges on grandstanding” (with Justin Tosi), CNN
“Moral Grandstanding and the Will to Power” (with Justin Tosi), The Philosopher
“It’s our own fault that politicians don’t come up with policies that actually fix problems”(with Justin Tosi), MarketWatch
“The Art of the Grandstand: Solving social problems comes a built-in paradox” (with Justin Tosi), City Journal
“The Immorality of Moral Showcasing” (with Justin Tosi), Discourse Magazine
“Moralising to Impress” (with Justin Tosi), The Philosophers’ Magazine
“Shame on You! Moral grandstanding is more than tiresome. It’s pushing people to extremes.” (with Justin Tosi), Persuasion
For Psychology Today
Pandemic Discourse: Petty point-scoring and political hooliganism have no place in a time of crisis
Moral Grandstanding & Virtue Signaling: The Same Thing? It's time to clear up some confusion
Academic Writing - Psychology
“Moral Grandstanding, Narcissism, and Self-Reported Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis,” Joshua B. Grubbs, A. Shanti James, Brandon Warmke, Justin Tosi, 2022, Journal of Research in Personality.
“Moral grandstanding and political polarization: a multi-study consideration,” Joshua B. Grubbs, Brandon Warmke, Justin Tosi, A. Shanti James, 2020, Journal of Research in Personality.
“Moral Grandstanding in Public Discourse: Status-Seeking Motives as a Potential Explanatory Mechanism in Predicting Conflict” (Joshua B. Grubbs, Brandon Warmke, Justin Tosi, A. Shanti James, W. Keith Campbell), 2019, PLOS One.
Academic Writing - Philosophy
27. “Commencement Speech Morality,” forthcoming, Social Philosophy & Policy.
26. “Neighborliness and Hospitality,” 2024, Cosmos + Taxis.
25. “Worship and Veneration” (with Craig Warmke), 2024. The Philosophy of Worship: Divine and Human Aspects, eds. Aaron Segal and Samuel Lebens, Cambridge University Press.
24. “Saving the World Starts at Home,” 2024, Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy.
23. “Performative Accounts of Forgiveness,” 2023, Routledge Handbook of Forgiveness, eds. Robert Enright and Glen Pettigrove, Routledge.
22. “Don’t Block the Exits,” (with Justin Tosi), 2022, New Directions in the Ethics and Politics of Speech, ed. J.P. Messina, Routledge.
21. “Conservative Critiques” (with Justin Tosi), 2022, Routledge Companion to Libertarianism, eds. Ben Ferguson and Matt Zwolinski, Routledge.
20. “Does Forgiveness Require Forswearing Resentment?” 2022, Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge, and Punishment, eds. Paula Satne and Krisanna Scheiter, Springer.
19. "Responsibility and Situationism," 2022, Oxford Handbook of Moral Responsibility, eds. Dana Nelkin and Derk Pereboom, Oxford University Press.
18. “Moral Grandstanding as a Threat To Free Expression" (with Justin Tosi), 2020, Social Philosophy and Policy.
17. "Stump's Forgiveness," 2019, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
16. "God's Standing to Forgive," 2017, Faith and Philosophy.
15. "Divine Forgiveness I: Emotion and Punishment-Forbearance Theories," 2017, Philosophy Compass.
14. "Divine Forgiveness II: Reconciliation and Debt-Cancellation Theories," 2017, Philosophy Compass.
13. "Does Situationism Threaten Free Will and Moral Responsibility?" (with Michael McKenna), 2017, Journal of Moral Philosophy.
12. "Forgiveness" (with Paul M. Hughes), 2017, Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy.
11. "Punishment and Forgiveness," (with Justin Tosi), 2017, Routledge Handbook of Criminal Justice Ethics.
10. "Moral Grandstanding," (with Justin Tosi), 2016, Philosophy & Public Affairs.
9. "The Normative Significance of Forgiveness," 2016, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
8. "The Economic Model of Forgiveness," 2016, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
7. "Articulate Forgiveness and Normative Constraints," 2015, Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
6. "Situationism versus Situationism" (with Travis J. Rodgers), 2015, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
5. "Two Arguments Against the Punishment-Forbearance Account of Forgiveness," 2013, Philosophical Studies.
4. "Moral Responsibility, Forgiveness, and Conversation" (with Michael McKenna), 2013, Free Will and Responsibility, Cambridge Scholars Press, eds. Ishtiyaque Haji, Justin Caouette.
3. "Is Forgiveness the Deliberate Refusal to Punish?" 2011, Journal of Moral Philosophy.
2. "Moral Responsibility Invariantism," 2011, Philosophia.
1. "Artifact and Essence," 2010, Philosophia.
A chronological bibliography of philosophical work on forgiveness up through 2017 (when I started dropping the ball) can be found here.
My PhilPapers page is here.